Clarifying new urban mobility services based on a threefold business model framework


Market entrants have brought a variety of new urban mobility services over the past years, which are rooted in the sharing economy and have their origin in digitalization. Digital data serve as key resource of a business model and, accordingly, digital technologies are the basis of key activities. Building our analysis on the resource-based view and on the business model debate, we ask: what degrees of digitalization do urban mobility service business models exhibit? We perform a systematic literature review and a qualitative content analysis. As a result, we identify a continuum of highly and lowly digitalized business models. We derive a threefold business model framework, substantiated in conventional mobility, hybrid, and data-driven business models. (1) Conventional mobility business models are dominated by mobility as a key resource, digitalization is low and performed by key partners, (2) hybrid models contain both conventional mobility and data-driven key resources, and (3) data-driven models take digital data as key resources, while conventional mobility is carried out by key partners. As a first main contribution, we conceptualize conventional versus purely data-driven business models along the continuum of data-driven business model components. New urban mobility services are the group of both hybrid and data-driven business models, while conventional urban mobility stands on its own. As a second contribution, we clarify the Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) concept by corroborating it as a purely data-driven business model with key partners provisioning mobility.
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Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Volume 27, September 2024, 101207